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SARB Expected Unchanged Next Week

  • There is a general shared understanding that the SARB will stand pat on rates in its first post-election monetary policy decision.
  • The central bank's rhetoric remains relatively hawkish, while inflation continues to linger above the SARB's preferred +4.5% Y/Y target mid-point.
  • The upcoming meeting will be the first one since the appointment of Mampho Modise to the MPC brought the number of current members to six, with the SARB still looking to fill the one remaining vacant seat on the rate-setting panel.
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  • There is a general shared understanding that the SARB will stand pat on rates in its first post-election monetary policy decision.
  • The central bank's rhetoric remains relatively hawkish, while inflation continues to linger above the SARB's preferred +4.5% Y/Y target mid-point.
  • The upcoming meeting will be the first one since the appointment of Mampho Modise to the MPC brought the number of current members to six, with the SARB still looking to fill the one remaining vacant seat on the rate-setting panel.