January 28, 2025 07:56 GMT
NATGAS: TTF Edges Higher on Norway Outages as Temperatures Dip
TTF edges up from a low of €47.6/MWh yesterday with support from a reduction in Norwegian pipeline supply and slightly cooler weather into the coming weekend. This follows bearish pressure at the start of this week with the return of the US Freeport LNG terminal and Norway's Hammerfest LNG plant and from lower storage withdrawals.
- Forecasts show temperatures in NW Europe edging lower this week to fall slightly below normal over the weekend followed by a recovery to near normal through the second week of the outlook.
- Norwegian pipeline supplies to Europe are nominated down to 319.6mcm/d today, according to Bloomberg amid unplanned capacity reductions at Troll, Asgard and Karsto.
- European gas storage has fallen to 55.8% full on Jan. 26, according to GIE, compared to the previous five year average of 63.2%. Net withdrawal rates have reduced this week to the lowest since Dec. 26.
- European LNG sendout was down to 321mcm/d over the weekend on Jan. 26 compared to an average of 369mcm/d over the previous week.
- Algeria gas flows to Italy at Mazara are today at 60.0mcm/d, according to Bloomberg.
- ICE TTF daily aggregate traded futures volume was 348k on Jan. 27.
- TTF FEB 25 up 0.7% at 48.21€/MWh
- TTF SUM 25 up 0.7% at 48.6€/MWh
- TTF WIN 25 up 0.6% at 43.79€/MWh
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