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US Data: GDP Price Indexes Rates of Change>

Release for:  Fourth Quarter (second estimate)
Source:  U.S. Department of Commerce
Annual rate percent change, seasonally adjusted
                                   4Q-16   1Q-17   2Q-17   3Q-17   4Q-17
Real GDP                             2.0     2.0     1.0     2.1     2.3
Pers consumption expenditures        2.0     2.2     0.3     1.5     2.7
Goods PCE                            1.3     2.7    -3.6     0.7     1.8
 Durable goods                      -3.2     1.0    -3.6    -2.5    -2.0
 Nondurable goods                    3.7     3.6    -3.6     2.4     3.8
Services PCE                         2.3     2.0     2.2     1.9     3.2
Gross priv dom investment            1.7     1.7     2.6     1.9     1.0
 Fixed investment                    1.6     1.6     2.5     1.9     1.0
  Nonresidential                     0.6     1.5     1.9     1.1     0.5
   Structures                        2.3     3.1     3.8     4.5     2.0
   Equipment and software           -0.4     0.7     0.8     0.2     0.1
       Intellectual property
          products                   1.0     1.6     1.9     0.1     0.0
  Residential fixed investment       4.8     1.7     4.6     4.4     2.8
 Change in private inventories      #N/A    #N/A    #N/A    #N/A    #N/A
Net exports of goods and svcs       #N/A    #N/A    #N/A    #N/A    #N/A
 Exports                             2.7     2.5    -0.1     3.3     5.8
  Goods                              1.9     2.6    -0.6     4.3     5.2
  Services                           4.2     2.3     0.8     1.4     7.0
 Imports                             1.6     6.2    -1.0     0.4     6.2
  Goods                              1.8     7.4    -1.8    -0.6     6.4
  Services                           0.5     1.1     2.7     5.0     5.0
Govt consumption expenditures
 and gross investment                1.3     4.8     1.6     2.3     3.0
 Federal                             0.8     5.5     1.8     1.1     1.6
  National defense                   0.7     4.9     1.4     0.4     1.4
  Nondefense                         0.8     6.3     2.3     2.1     2.0
 State and local                     1.7     4.4     1.5     3.0     3.7
 Final sales of
  domestic product                   2.0     2.0     1.0     2.1     2.3
 Gross domestic purchases            1.8     2.6     0.9     1.7     2.5
 Final sales to
  domestic purchasers                1.8     2.5     0.9     1.7     2.5
 Final sales to private
  domestic purchasers                1.9     2.1     0.7     1.6     2.4
 Gross national product (GNP)        2.0     2.0     1.0     2.1  #N/A
Implicit price deflators:
  GDP                                2.0     2.0     1.0     2.1     2.3
  Gross domestic purchases           1.9     2.5     0.8     1.7     2.5
  GNP                                2.0     1.9     1.0     2.1  #N/A
       ** MNI Washington Bureau (202) 371-2121 **

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