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Young Voters Trust Trump To Handle Inflation


A survey from Blueprintfinds that young voters, "trust Biden over Trump to handle almost every issue," but, "the only two issues where Biden loses to Trump on trust may be the defining issues of the 2024 election: reducing prices (52% trust Trump more) and securing the border (53% trust Trump more)."

  • Blueprint notes: "Relatedly, the Biden policies that young voters say will most benefit their lives are targeted at price reduction, including investing in agricultural supply chains to bring down food prices, banning “junk fees,” and allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug pricing," a sign that White House policies are failing to resonate with young voters.
  • The survey suggests that some reporting of young voters may be overattributing Biden's poor polling with young voters to his Israel policy. Rather, young voters are largely aligned with the broader electorate on pocketbook issues.
  • Blueprint pollster Evan Smith said: “Far too many people confuse the way that young voters are different from the wider electorate with the issues that young voters actually care about the most.”
Figure 1: Highest Priority Issues for Young Voters

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A survey from Blueprintfinds that young voters, "trust Biden over Trump to handle almost every issue," but, "the only two issues where Biden loses to Trump on trust may be the defining issues of the 2024 election: reducing prices (52% trust Trump more) and securing the border (53% trust Trump more)."

  • Blueprint notes: "Relatedly, the Biden policies that young voters say will most benefit their lives are targeted at price reduction, including investing in agricultural supply chains to bring down food prices, banning “junk fees,” and allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug pricing," a sign that White House policies are failing to resonate with young voters.
  • The survey suggests that some reporting of young voters may be overattributing Biden's poor polling with young voters to his Israel policy. Rather, young voters are largely aligned with the broader electorate on pocketbook issues.
  • Blueprint pollster Evan Smith said: “Far too many people confuse the way that young voters are different from the wider electorate with the issues that young voters actually care about the most.”
Figure 1: Highest Priority Issues for Young Voters

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