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68% Of Canadian Believe That Trudeau Should Resign In 2024


A new survey from Ipsos has found that a majority of Canadians (68%) believe that Prime Minister Trudeau should resign as leader of the Liberal Party in 2024, while only 32% think he should stay on.

  • The survey notes that, "Pierre Poilievre has grown his lead even ahead of his own party, as 44% of Canadians think he would make the best Prime Minister of Canada (+4 pts since January 2024). Lagging by a considerable margin is Justin Trudeau (25%, -5 pts), who may be dragging the success of his party down with him. Jagmeet Singh (23%, -1 pt) is close behind, while Yves-François Blanchet is last (8%, +2 pts), though more popular in Quebec (33%). While approval of party leadership is more neck and neck, approval of Trudeau’s performance remains low (37%), 13 points behind Poilievre."
  • Canada's next general election must be held by October 2025, and although he has indicated that he will stay on as Liberal Party leader, Trudeau said in an interview in March: "I think about quitting every day. It's a crazy job I'm doing, making the personal sacrifices. Of course, it's super tough. It's very challenging at times."

Figure 1: Leadership Perceptions

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A new survey from Ipsos has found that a majority of Canadians (68%) believe that Prime Minister Trudeau should resign as leader of the Liberal Party in 2024, while only 32% think he should stay on.

  • The survey notes that, "Pierre Poilievre has grown his lead even ahead of his own party, as 44% of Canadians think he would make the best Prime Minister of Canada (+4 pts since January 2024). Lagging by a considerable margin is Justin Trudeau (25%, -5 pts), who may be dragging the success of his party down with him. Jagmeet Singh (23%, -1 pt) is close behind, while Yves-François Blanchet is last (8%, +2 pts), though more popular in Quebec (33%). While approval of party leadership is more neck and neck, approval of Trudeau’s performance remains low (37%), 13 points behind Poilievre."
  • Canada's next general election must be held by October 2025, and although he has indicated that he will stay on as Liberal Party leader, Trudeau said in an interview in March: "I think about quitting every day. It's a crazy job I'm doing, making the personal sacrifices. Of course, it's super tough. It's very challenging at times."

Figure 1: Leadership Perceptions

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