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Biden Approval Rating Underwater In 45 States


Morning Consult has published a new tracker of President Biden’s approval rating across all 50 states, finding that he only has a net positive approval in five states: California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Washington, with the latter three only 2% net approval.

  • Cameron Easley at Morning Consult notes on X: "It's hard to overstate how bad these numbers are for Biden. He only has a positive net approval rating in 5 states. Trump, even at his most unpopular, had positive net ratings in at least 20 states."
  • Morning Consult notes: “Biden’s seen a modest improvement in his approval rating across key swing states since February, when our swing-state tracking for Bloomberg News found him trailing former President Donald Trump in 2024 by a record margin.
  • “However, Biden remains deeply unpopular in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In the 2024 battleground states, his approval rating is worst in Nevada, while the greatest improvement since February came in Wisconsin, where 40% of voters approve (up from 36%) and 56% disapprove (down from 60%).”

Figure 1: President Biden Approval Rating by State, (Red: Negative)

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Morning Consult has published a new tracker of President Biden’s approval rating across all 50 states, finding that he only has a net positive approval in five states: California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Washington, with the latter three only 2% net approval.

  • Cameron Easley at Morning Consult notes on X: "It's hard to overstate how bad these numbers are for Biden. He only has a positive net approval rating in 5 states. Trump, even at his most unpopular, had positive net ratings in at least 20 states."
  • Morning Consult notes: “Biden’s seen a modest improvement in his approval rating across key swing states since February, when our swing-state tracking for Bloomberg News found him trailing former President Donald Trump in 2024 by a record margin.
  • “However, Biden remains deeply unpopular in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In the 2024 battleground states, his approval rating is worst in Nevada, while the greatest improvement since February came in Wisconsin, where 40% of voters approve (up from 36%) and 56% disapprove (down from 60%).”

Figure 1: President Biden Approval Rating by State, (Red: Negative)

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