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EURO SUMMARY: EUR/USD Fades to Sizeable Expiry

  • New pullback lows for EUR/USD in recent trade, with a modest pick-up in activity at 1207BST and 1210BST to put the pair at the lowest levels since May15 and through support of 1.0836. Fading spot market puts the pair inline with the most sizeable option expiry of the session, with E621mln rolling off at the 1.0830 mark (E277mln puts, E344mln calls).
  • Pressure on the single currency keeps EUR/GBP closer to lows. Weakness through 0.8512 exposes ahead of 0.8504.  
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  • New pullback lows for EUR/USD in recent trade, with a modest pick-up in activity at 1207BST and 1210BST to put the pair at the lowest levels since May15 and through support of 1.0836. Fading spot market puts the pair inline with the most sizeable option expiry of the session, with E621mln rolling off at the 1.0830 mark (E277mln puts, E344mln calls).
  • Pressure on the single currency keeps EUR/GBP closer to lows. Weakness through 0.8512 exposes ahead of 0.8504.