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MNI EUROPEAN OPEN: Sino-U.S. Tensions Headline In Asia


Fig. 1: U.S. & UK 2-/10-Year Yield Spreads

Source: MNI - Market News/Bloomberg


POLITICS: Liz Truss is set to win the Tory leadership contest by a decisive margin next month, according to an exclusive Sky News poll that gives the foreign secretary a 32-point lead over rival Rishi Sunak. (Sky)

FISCAL: Plans by Liz Truss to cut tax are “hard to square” with economic reality because inflation will push up welfare and debt interest payments by tens of billions of pounds, according to a think tank. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said permanent tax cuts were not plausible when inflation was at record levels and set to exceed 13 per cent this year. (The Times)


EUROZONE: The euro zone will avoid a full-on recession so long as Russia maintains even a reduced rate of gas supply to EU countries, according to Gerhard Huemer, Economic Policy Director at EU small business organisation SMEunited. (MNI)


FED: Federal Reserve officials emphasized data dependency when it comes to future rate rises but made clear the FOMC intends to move policy to a restrictive setting while potentially moving in smaller steps going forward, the minutes from the July FOMC meeting showed. (MNI)

FED: A strong U.S. labor market, the recovery of the service sector, and more fully open schools and childcare centers will likely bring more women back to the workforce, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman said on Wednesday. (RTRS)

ECONOMY: Around 2.5 million workers are "missing" from the U.S. labor force, a figure that's increased half a million since May, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City senior economist Didem Tuzemen told MNI. (MNI)


U.S./CHINA/TAIWAN: The US and Taiwan have started formal negotiations on a bilateral trade initiative to deepen economic ties, in a move likely to inflame already high tensions with China. The first round of trade talks is set to take place “early this fall,” the Office of the US Trade Representative said in a statement Wednesday, unveiling a negotiating mandate for the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade announced in June. (BBG)

U.S./CHINA/TAIWAN: On Wednesday, Price said the State Department believes China’s recent actions have “undermined the status quo” and threatened the “peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.” The spokesperson added that the department believes “these tactics will continue in the days and weeks ahead.” “What we’re seeing now appears to be just the beginning stages of an intensification of those efforts,” Price said. (The New York Post)

U.S./CHINA/TAIWAN: The United States expects China to continue its pressure campaign against Taiwan, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia, Daniel Kritenbrink, said on Wednesday, adding that Beijing's words and actions have been deeply destabilising. (RTRS)

U.S./CHINA: China lashed out at a $52 billion program to expand American chipmaking, saying the landmark blueprint contains elements that violate fair market principles and targets Beijing’s own efforts to build a semiconductor industry. (BBG)

CHINA/JAPAN: Japan's national security adviser Takeo Akiba held talks with China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi on Wednesday, news agency Jiji reported on Thursday. The two agreed to continue talks towards creating a constructive and stable relationship, the report said, citing the Japanese government. (RTRS)

JAPAN: More large Japanese companies are now raising wages to attract workers and cope with chronic staff shortages, a monthly Reuters poll showed on Thursday, a tentative sign Japan Inc may be slowly addressing pay that has been flat for decades. (RTRS)

RBNZ: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Adrian Orr apologized to lawmakers for excessive stimulus during the pandemic that helped send consumer prices soaring. (BBG)

RBNZ: The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) has conceded that its monetary policy was "too stimulatory" at some stage during the response to the pandemic. But it appears to be laying the blame for its inability at the time to take the Official Cash Rate (OCR) into the negatives. (Interest NZ)

RBNZ: RBNZ, Treasury Dept. and Ministry of Housing and Urban Development have published a joint paper looking at drivers of higher house prices in past 20 years. “The key conclusion is that a combination of a global fall in interest rates, the tax system, and restrictions on the supply of land for urban use were the main cause of higher house prices”. Factors such as population growth and construction costs were seen as playing a more modest role. (BBG)

MEXICO: Mexico’s inflation will peak in August or September before starting a gradual decline, said Banco de Mexico Deputy Governor Gerardo Esquivel in an interview with Radio Formula on Wednesday. (BBG)

BRAZIL: Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes predicted on Wednesday that the economy will rise by more than 2.5% this year, improving his 2% growth forecast from June. (RTRS)

RUSSIA: Consumer prices in Russia declined for the sixth week running, data showed on Wednesday, as the rouble's appreciation in the past few months and a drop in consumer demand weighed on the pace of price growth. (RTRS)

IRAN: Iranian demands for guarantees from the U.S. have once again stalled efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear pact, leaving Washington and European capitals unsure if a deal is possible. (WSJ)


YUAN: The Chinese yuan is under short-term depreciation pressure, against a backdrop of unusually loose domestic liquidity, weakening Chinese economic data and as the U.S. dollar index remains at a high level, reported, citing an unnamed trader at a state-owned bank. The direction of the yuan will mainly be dependent on trade balance gyrations, and the currency may continue to trade sideways around current levels if exports can maintain their strong trend, the newspaper wrote, citing analysts. The yuan weakened after the PBOC’s surprise rate cut earlier this week, although it has moved away from post-cut lows, when measured against the U.S. dollar, the newspaper noted. (MNI)

FISCAL: Local governments in China may use some of their remaining special bond quota in H2 to help boost infrastructure investment, as there is room for the issuance of over CNY1 trillion special bonds, the China Securities Journal reported, citing analysts. As of June, the level of outstanding local government special bonds nationwide stood at CNY20.26 trillion, compared to the government-set limit of CNY21.82 trillion, leaving room for ~CNY1.55 trillion of new special bonds to be issued, data compiled by the Ministry of Finance showed. Any such funds will still be mainly invested in infrastructure construction, after over 60% of the proceeds from special bonds issued in H1 went to infrastructure projects, the newspaper said, citing analysts. (MNI)

PROPERTY: Chinese property developers' cash flows — a sign of the companies' ability to stay afloat — shrank this year after steady growth over the last decade, according to Oxford Economics. Developer cash flows through July are down 24% year-on-year on an annualized basis, according to analysis from the firm's lead economist, Tommy Wu. (CNBC)



The People's Bank of China (PBOC) injected CNY2 billion via 7-day reverse repos with the rate unchanged at 2.0% on Thursday. This keeps the liquidity unchanged after offsetting the maturity of CNY2 billion repos today, according to Wind Information.

  • The operation aims to keep liquidity reasonable and ample, the PBOC said on its website.
  • The 7-day weighted average interbank repo rate for depository institutions (DR007) rose to 1.6294% at 9:47 am local time from the close of 1.4146% on Wednesday.
  • The CFETS-NEX money-market sentiment index closed at 51 on Wednesday vs 53 on Tuesday.


The People's Bank of China (PBOC) set the dollar-yuan central parity rate lower at 6.7802 on Thursday, compared with 6.7863 set on Wednesday.







SNAPSHOT: Sino-U.S. Tensions Headline In Asia

Below gives key levels of markets in the second half of the Asia-Pac session:

  • Nikkei 225 down 259.61 points at 28963.17
  • ASX 200 down 23.286 points at 7104.70
  • Shanghai Comp. down 15.906 points at 3276.62
  • JGB 10-Yr future down 7 ticks at 150.41, yieldup 0.2bp at 0.192%
  • Aussie 10-Yr future down 4.5 ticks at 96.665, yieldup 4.1bp at 3.315%
  • U.S. 10-Yr future up 0-06+ at 118-31, yield down3.1bp at 2.8658%
  • WTI crude up $0.06 at $88.17, Gold up $1.49 at$1763.27
  • USD/JPY up 2 pips at Y135.07

US TSYS: Tsys Firm A Little In Asia

The combination of confirmation of the impending onset of formal U.S.-Taiwan trade talks and U.S. warnings re: China’s ambitions surrounding Taiwan supported Tsys during Asia-Pac dealing, leaving TYU2 +0-07 at 118-31+ into London hours, 0-02 off the peak of its 0-12 range, although summer seasonality continues to limit participation, with only ~74K lots changing hands thus far. Wider cash Tsy trade has seen the major benchmarks richen by 2.5-3.5bp across the curve, with the belly leading the bid, after that particular zone drove the weakness observed on Wednesday.

  • Note that 2s have reversed all of the cheapening observed into Wednesday’s NY morning and now sit little changed over the past 24 hours after participants focused on some of the more dovish verses in July’s FOMC meeting minutes ahead of yesterday’s NY close.
  • A cloudy Australian market report also helped the bid, although the move linked to that was very limited in nature, and mostly unwound, with Tsys already bid before that release and various technicalities seemingly distorting the dataset.
  • Looking ahead, existing home sales, weekly jobless claims and the latest Philly Fed survey are due in NY hours. Thursday will also bring the latest round of 30-Year TIPS supply and Fedspeak from George & Kashkari.

JGBS: Little Changed On The Day

JGB futures are -10 ahead of the Tokyo close and haven’t ever threatened neutral levels. Meanwhile the wider JGB curve sees the major benchmarks running 0.5bp cheaper to 0.5bp richer on the day, with the early and post-20-Year auction rounds of strength in the super-long end fading.

  • The modest, early bid in JGB futures faded a little as we moved into the Tokyo lunch break, with futures -15 at the lunch bell. This may have been influenced by the super-long end of the cash JGB curve pulling back from firmest levels of the day in setup for this afternoon’s 20-Year JGB supply.
  • In terms of specifics, the 20-Year JGB auction was absorbed smoothly enough, with the low price printing comfortably above wider expectations, while the price tail narrowed when compared to the previous auction. On the other hand, the cover ratio painted a slightly weaker picture of demand, moderating to 3.28x from the previous auction’s 3.63x, a little below the six-auction average of 3.37x. As highlighted in our preview, the richening observed in 20s away from cycle cheaps as well as its richening on the 10-/20-/30-Year butterfly since June, likely provided headwinds for demand. Still, the auction priced well, likely aided by the continued home bias for Japanese investors, amidst elevated FX-hedging costs and continued market volatility. These factors probably meant that demand from life insurers for super-long JGBs remained evident, in line with their previously outlined investment intentions.
  • Domestic headline flow was on the light side, with little in the way of clear catalyst evident for the super-long ends movement away from the afternoon’s richest levels.
  • A quick reminder that the latest batch of weekly international security flow data out of Japan revealed foreign investors recorded net buying of Japanese bonds for the third straight week (and also for the seventh time in eight weeks, largely representing short covering after the ultimately failed challenge of the BoJ's YCC parameters in June).
  • Looking ahead, national CPI data headlines the domestic docket on Friday.

JGBS AUCTION: Japanese MOF sells Y2.83828tn 1-Year Bills:

The Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOF) sells Y2.83828tn 1-Year Bills:

  • Average Yield: -0.1311% (prev. -0.1308%)
  • Average Price: 100.131 (prev. 100.131)
  • High Yield: -0.1311% (prev. -0.1308%)
  • Low Price: 100.131 (prev. 100.131)
  • % Allotted At High Yield: 81.7938% (prev. 66.1925%)
  • Bid/Cover: 3.442x (prev. 3.626x)

JGBS AUCTION: Japanese MOF sells Y966.1bn 20-Year JGBs:

The Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOF) sells Y966.1bn 20-Year JGBs:

  • Average Yield: 0.752% (prev. 0.902%)
  • Average Price: 102.55 (prev. 99.95)
  • High Yield: 0.755% (prev. 0.908%)
  • Low Price: 102.50 (prev. 99.85)
  • % Allotted At High Yield: 67.4224% (prev. 6.2008%)
  • Bid/Cover: 3.282x (prev. 3.632x)

AUSSIE BONDS: Cheaper, But Off Lows

Aussie bonds are off their extremes, back from session highs made after the surprise decline in headline employment figures within July’s domestic labour market report (-40.9K vs. BBG median +25.0K), but sitting comfortably cheaper on the day, with ACGBs unable to unwind the cheapening impetus derived from Wednesday’s weakness in wider core FI markets. ACGBs run 3.0-4.5bp cheaper across the curve, with 12s leading the way lower. YM is -3.5, operating around the middle of its range after a brief blip above its overnight high, while XM is -4.5, once again around the middle of its range. EFPs are mixed, with the 3-/10-Year box twist steepening, while Bills run flat to 7 ticks cheaper through the reds.

  • Looking into the details, the labour market report contained several caveats (i.e. floods, school holidays, and COVID infections) as explanations for the miss in headline employment numbers, as well as sample rotation, helping to pull ACGBs back from their initial knee-jerk move higher.
  • Friday will see A$700mn of ACGB Nov-27 supply before the release of the AOFM’s weekly issuance slate, while no economic data releases of note are scheduled.

EQUITIES: Lower In Asia After FOMC Minutes

Virtually all regional equity indices are lower at typing, tracking a negative lead from Wall St. as participants in Asia react to the release of the July FOMC minutes, with recession-related worry taking focus. Semiconductor stocks struggled after U.S. chipmaker Analog Devices (-5.0%) warned of demand headwinds (joining recent warnings from the likes of Nvidia, Intel and Micron), with favoured names such as Taiwan’s TSMC Corp. shedding 1.3% at writing.

  • The Hang Seng sits 0.6% worse off at writing, on track for a third consecutive lower daily close on weakness in the finance (-1.4%) and property (-0.6%) sub-indices. The underperformance in the latter duo comes after Chinese developer Country Garden (-5.2%) reported preliminary earnings, warning that H1 earnings could decline by as much as 70%.
  • The CSI300 trades 0.9% lower at writing, with losses observed across much of the indice’s constituents. The richly-valued consumer staples (-1.9%) and healthcare (-1.6%) sub-indices lead the way lower, with real estate equities struggling as well (CSI300 Real Estate Index: -1.7%).
  • The Nikkei deals 0.9% weaker, shedding practically all of Wednesday’s gains at writing. Favoured names such as Fast Retailing (-1.6%) Fanuc Corp (-1.6%) lead the way lower, with losses observed in >80% of the index’s constituents.
  • E-minis sit a little below neutral levels at writing after a fairly directionless Asian session, operating towards the lower end of their respective ranges established on Wednesday.

OIL: Little Changed In Asia

WTI and Brent are $0.10 firmer apiece, operating comfortably within Wednesday’s trading range at typing. Both benchmarks sit a short distance away from recent multi-month lows amidst headwinds from worry re: economic slowdowns, adding to pressure from improvements in the outlook for supply.

  • WTI and Brent closed ~$1 higher apiece on Wednesday, ultimately halting a three-session streak of losses after the release of the EIA’s weekly inventory data. The release was headlined by a significantly larger-than-expected drawdown in crude stockpiles mainly due to record-high U.S. crude exports, while gasoline inventories saw a larger-than-expected decline as well, alleviating prevailing worry re: domestic demand destruction. Small builds were observed in distillate and Cushing Hub stocks.
  • Looking to crude supply matters, RTRS sources have pointed to Russian crude production rising despite Western sanctions earlier this year, with Moscow reportedly raising output and export forecasts through to ‘25. Elsewhere, Saudi oil output and exports for June were reported to have increased as well, with crude output hitting the highest levels observed since Apr ‘20.
  • The prompt spreads for WTI and Brent remain a little off their respective multi-month lows, printing ~$0.40 and ~$0.60 respectively, pointing to a moderation in worry re: tightness in global crude supplies from their extremes witnessed in earlier months.
  • Turning to Iran, unresolved issues surrounding ongoing negotiations re: a U.S.-Iran nuclear deal remain at the fore, with Tehran reportedly requesting the addition of additional articles to the EU’s “final draft”.

GOLD: A Little Off Two-Week Lows

Gold deals ~$3/oz firmer at typing to print ~$1,765/oz, a little below session highs, but continuing to edge away from Wednesday’s worst levels at typing.

  • An earlier blip higher in the precious metal was facilitated by initial worry from some quarters re: geopolitical risks after news that formal U.S.-Taiwan bilateral trade negotiations will begin later this year, with the event ultimately providing little by way of meaningful direction for the space.
  • To recap Wednesday’s price action, the precious metal hit fresh two-week lows ($1,759.8/oz) on an uptick in the USD (DXY) and U.S. real yields, with a minor bid from the market’s dovish interpretation to the latest FOMC minutes evaporating, seeing gold close ~$14/oz weaker for a third straight lower daily close.
  • Measures of investor interest remains weak, with known ETF holdings of gold compiled by BBG declining for a fourth consecutive session on Wednesday, while the SPDR Gold Trust’s (GLD) holdings of gold has fallen to its lowest level in seven months.
  • From a technical perspective, gold maintains a firmer tone after the breach of trendline resistance at $1,794.6/oz previously. However, a stronger reversal amidst recent moves lower may threaten the bullish theme, with initial support at $1,754.4/oz (Aug 3 low, key short-term support) in focus. On the upside, initial resistance is seen at $1,807.9/oz (Aug 10 high and bull trigger).

FOREX: USD Firmer Across The Board

The USD has pushed higher through the afternoon session. To be sure, gains have been fairly modest overall, but have been broad based. The DXY is back to 106.75, close to 0.20% above NY closing levels. This week the DXY has run out of momentum on moves into the 106.80/90 range.

  • There doesn't appear to be a strong cross-asset driver of positive USD momentum. Regional equities in Asia Pac are in the red for the most part, particularly the key indices. US futures are modestly lower as well (-0.10%-0.15%).
  • Still, dips in USD/JPY have been supported, with the pair getting to a low of 134.70/75 before rebounding. We are now back at 135.10. EUR/USD has drifted lower, back below 1.0170 now.
  • The dip in AUD/USD was minimal following the weaker than expected July jobs report, but given the caveats placed on the print by the ABS, this is arguably not surprising. Still AUD/USD has faltered through the afternoon session to sub 0.6920. We remain above overnight lows (close to 0.6910) for now. NZD/USD has moved in line with the AUD mostly. The Kiwi is down at 0.6270.
  • Firmer USD levels have also been evident across the USD/Asia complex. In particular, USD/CNH has rebounded, +0.20/0.25%, to be back close to the 6.8100 level.
  • Looking ahead, the Norges bank decision at 0900BST is in focus, where the most recent July CPI print tilts the balance of risks to another 50bps rate rise.
  • Philly Fed Manufacturing, jobless claims and existing home sales are the US data points of note with potential comments from Fed’s George and Kashkari to watch out for.

FX OPTIONS: Expiries for Aug18 NY cut 1000ET (Source DTCC)

  • EUR/USD: $1.0147-57(E1.5bln), $1.0175($802mln), $1.0200-05(E1.0bln), $1.0215-30(E2.1bln), $1.0240-50(E1.0bln), $1.0290-00($786mln)
  • USD/JPY: Y132.00($1.4bln), Y133.85-00($1.2bln), Y134.50-60($1.0bln), Y137.60-80($796mln)
  • AUD/USD: $0.6975(A$822mln)
  • USD/CNY: Cny6.80($611mln)

UP TODAY (Times GMT/Local)

18/08/20220600/0800**NO Norway GDP
18/08/20220800/1000***NO Norges Bank Rate Decision
18/08/20220900/1100***EU HICP (f)
18/08/20220900/1100**EU Construction Production
18/08/20221100/0700*TR Turkey Benchmark Rate
18/08/20221230/0830*CA Industrial Product and Raw Material Price Index
18/08/20221230/0830**US Jobless Claims
18/08/20221230/0830**US Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index
18/08/20221230/0830**US WASDE Weekly Import/Export
18/08/20221400/1000***US NAR existing home sales
18/08/20221400/1000*US Services Revenues
18/08/20221400/1000**US leading indicators
18/08/20221430/1030**US Natural Gas Stocks
18/08/20221530/1130*US US Bill 08 Week Treasury Auction Result
18/08/20221530/1130**US US Bill 04 Week Treasury Auction Result
18/08/20221700/1300**US US Treasury Auction Result for TIPS 30 Year Bond
18/08/20221715/1915EU ECB Schnabel Presentation at IHK Reception
18/08/20221720/1320US Kansas City Fed's Esther George
18/08/20221745/1345US Minneapolis Fed's Neel Kashkari
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MNI London Bureau | +44 0203-865-3809 |

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