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Undecided Voters Key For Biden In November


A new survey from Emerson College Polling has found that 46% of voters support former President Donald Trump, whilst 44% support President Joe Biden, in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup.

  • Emerson notes: “Ten percent are undecided. When undecided voters are asked which candidate they lean toward, the race splits evenly: 50% support Trump and 50% Biden.”
  • Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said, “Voters under 30 break for Biden by 15 points, with a quarter undecided. When these undecideds are pushed, the group breaks for Biden by 26 points, 63% to 37%, reflective of his margin in 2020 with this group.”
  • The Emerson Poll appears to support a theory that some of Biden's poor polling is due to a soft support amongst Democrat leaning voters, particularly young voters, rather than a surge of support for Trump.

Figure 1: Hypothetical 2024 Presidential Election Ballot

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A new survey from Emerson College Polling has found that 46% of voters support former President Donald Trump, whilst 44% support President Joe Biden, in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup.

  • Emerson notes: “Ten percent are undecided. When undecided voters are asked which candidate they lean toward, the race splits evenly: 50% support Trump and 50% Biden.”
  • Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said, “Voters under 30 break for Biden by 15 points, with a quarter undecided. When these undecideds are pushed, the group breaks for Biden by 26 points, 63% to 37%, reflective of his margin in 2020 with this group.”
  • The Emerson Poll appears to support a theory that some of Biden's poor polling is due to a soft support amongst Democrat leaning voters, particularly young voters, rather than a surge of support for Trump.

Figure 1: Hypothetical 2024 Presidential Election Ballot

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