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Gas End of Day Summary: TTF Nears €30/MWh Mark


TTF has been trading higher today and is nearing the €30/MWh on modestly lower Norwegian supplies amid an outage extension at the Troll facility, offsetting healthy storage levels and continued lower industrial demand.

  • TTF SEP 23 up 7.5% at 29.15€/MWh
  • Norwegian pipeline supplies to Europe are similar to yesterday at 312.3mcm/d. The maintenance at the large Troll field in Norway has been extended for 3-4 August affecting 12mcm/d of output, while seasonal maintenance has begun at other facilities.
  • Total European gas in store was at 85.79% full on 30 July compared to the five-year average of 70.7%.
  • LNG sendout to Europe averaged around 300mcm/d in the last few days of July compared to an average of around 333mcm/d for the whole month and an average of 372mcm/d in July last year.
  • LNG exports from the US jumped 9% on the month in July, as operations resumed following planned maintenance.
  • Chinese consumption of LNG hit 3.01m mt in July, a 3% rise on the month, according to OilChem.
  • US LNG exports are currently more profitable to Asia in September and October, to Europe in November. The gas price spread between Asia and Europe is $2.19/MMBtu in September.
  • JKM-TTF Sep 23 down -0.5$/mmbtu at 1.53$/mmbtu
  • ADNOC’s DAS Island LNG export facility has not shipped a cargo since 18 July amid an ongoing outage raising concerns of tightening Asian supply.
  • German natural gas use for energy production in the first half of this year declined by 10.1% year on year, AGEB data showed.
  • More natural gas is flowing into Ukraine as traders take advantage of the country’s spare storage capacity to further build up Europe’s winter reserves.

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