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Nearly 20% Of Voters Likely To Change Their Mind On Presidential Choice


A new survey from Quinnipiac University Polling has found that nineteen percent of voters say it is likely that they will change their minds about their choice for president before the election.

  • Quinnipiac: “Among voters supporting Biden, 15 percent say it is either very likely (3 percent) or somewhat likely (12 percent) that they will change their minds… Among voters supporting Trump, 8 percent say it is somewhat likely that they will change their minds…”
  • Notably: “Among voters supporting [Robert F. Kennedy Jr], 52 percent say it is either very likely (11 percent) or somewhat likely (41 percent) that they will change their minds…”
  • Quinnipiac Analyst Tim Malloy said: "Call them fair weather, call them unsure. A sizeable block of registered voters is still juggling candidates, with Kennedy voters particularly swayable and Trump voters less inclined to bail on their candidate."

Figure 1: “How likely is it that you will change your mind about your choice for president before the election; very likely, somewhat likely, not so likely, or not likely at all?”

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A new survey from Quinnipiac University Polling has found that nineteen percent of voters say it is likely that they will change their minds about their choice for president before the election.

  • Quinnipiac: “Among voters supporting Biden, 15 percent say it is either very likely (3 percent) or somewhat likely (12 percent) that they will change their minds… Among voters supporting Trump, 8 percent say it is somewhat likely that they will change their minds…”
  • Notably: “Among voters supporting [Robert F. Kennedy Jr], 52 percent say it is either very likely (11 percent) or somewhat likely (41 percent) that they will change their minds…”
  • Quinnipiac Analyst Tim Malloy said: "Call them fair weather, call them unsure. A sizeable block of registered voters is still juggling candidates, with Kennedy voters particularly swayable and Trump voters less inclined to bail on their candidate."

Figure 1: “How likely is it that you will change your mind about your choice for president before the election; very likely, somewhat likely, not so likely, or not likely at all?”

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